Selasa, 18 April 2017

I Can't Imagine Life Without Money

     Recent technological developments have changed the way of human life. One is the way of commerce are increasingly using electronic transactions. The use of cash is more limited. Not only to transactions between companies or B to B (Business to business) but also buying and selling between companies and consumers or B to C (Business to Consumer). Even transactions between individuals was now more likely to use the account transfer.
      Indeed, the use of cash has some drawbacks.
      First, we have to carry cash in large quantities for large value transactions. Second, bring cash at a higher risk of inviting crime. Thirdly, the transaction with cash is inefficient because it takes time to count the money and provide change if necessary.
     This time a transaction using a credit or debit card is more widely used. Coupled with the electronic money or e-money, a card containing a certain amount of money that can be used in various places. Not just shopping at the mall or large store it, just buy gasoline or pay parking else we could do without the cash. Even the plan expenditure in the pavement Jakarta will also use this type of card.
      We can also transact using credit as a means of payment. So we do not need to have a card or cash as long as there is a pulse in our mobile phones. The cash increasingly marginalized and abandoned. Moreover, if the technology used for electronic transactions easier and cheaper, it could be all kinds of businesses will use them.  
     Maybe merchant tent stalls, stall or even non roadside food vendors around (pureed chicken, meatballs, fried rice, etc.) will provide EDC (electronic data capture) which is used to swipe credit and debit cards. Consumers will pay no need to carry cash. Likewise, traders do not need to provide coins for change. Practical and efficient. 
      If the question is, can we live without cash? In the technology may be. Yet this time but in the future it might happen. If the ease of technology has reached all corners of the country and the cost can be affordable. We do not need to carry cash everywhere. 
     What are the consequences? Cashless transactions will reduce the amount of labor. Abroad no attendant in the parking lot, we walked into the parking lot using the card or ticket button pressed. How to pay for parking simply by attaching a card or by inserting cash into a payment machine. Likewise, when we use the motorway and buying gasoline. They no longer need an employee to receive payment or help refuel. 
     In time, mini market or supermarket no longer need to register. Consumers can do their own transactions. The goods purchased barcodenya scanned and the amount of the price paid will appear on the screen. Consumers can pay for itself with a stick or card swipe machine. Just need to monitor the security guards from a distance. 
     If I change the question, do we really want to live without cash? Life without cash means reducing our interactions with others. Trade is not just buying and selling but also the communication and the fabric of friendship. Buying and selling of friendship and brotherhood born because we need each other. 
     If we are trading with machines, we also would like machine. Life is like a programmed robot. Without any human touch. First humans ever live without cash when barter is still a means of exchange. By barter, they build up confidence born money as means of payment. 
Do you still want to live without cash? 

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